Monday, May 20, 2002

Well there was mighty entertainment on the telly this weekend with the election counts. Sad to say but I find the whole thing fascinating - the slow process whereby the successive winners are revealed, the debates and predictions of the pundits as surpluses and preferences are being distributed, the small local stories behind each distribution - geographical or party, personality or vote management stategy. I even spent some time last night down at the Galway west count center in Leisureland. Although I witnessed Michael D get that last vote he needed on the 13 or 14th count, I passed on the drama as Cox and Grealish sweated it out for the last seat. Interesting as it was, hanging around there for another hour or so until 12:00 was a bit much for one night. With the electronic voting being introduced for the next election, these type of counts are now history. The day of the Tallyman has passed.

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