Monday, August 12, 2002

I'm not sure I'm capable of stringing together sentences today. Must have been a tiring weekend I guess. Smokesignals production was suspended on Friday while I attended a wedding in Kilkenny - a banal affair at which I knew only one person and which followed the usual conventions of the occasion - dress up in suit, drive, get lost looking for church, drive, have a few pints, get stuck into a big feed, drink, drink, make conversation with strangers (including a woman who was the spit of Sissy Spacek and was appropriately married to a guy at least 15 years her elder; a man who drives dumpers with the groom), dance stupidly to super sounds of the sixties, seventies and eighties rendered by a band who last updated their image in 1987, dance, drink, talk shite, get lost looking for B&B, sleep.

The next day I explored the Marble City, and discovered the fantastic art of Tony Bevan at the Sight Specific exhibition. Inspired by his work, I made a mental note to go back to painting again. I stopped some years ago, having no time, space or money to continue. But now, with the tech industry recession sapping every last opportunity for the exercise of creativity out of my once interesting and intellectually stimulating job, this could be the time to go back to the oils and canvas.

Kilkenny has a lot of good bars and one of the best is Cleeres. It seems to have built up a good reputation as a music venue; Jay Farrar is playing there in a couple of weeks, his only Irish gig outside Dublin as far as I can tell. I got that Uncle Tupelo compilation two or three weeks ago and while I figure that Tweedy's stuff is more interesting, Farrar is the guy who created the basic alt country blueprint which has been much copied by many lesser bands since (and perhaps even the odd greater one.)

Anyway, there was no live music in Cleeres that night. There was however a group of theatre types and Dublin arts community journos and glitterati up for the premier of the stage adaptation of 'The Book of Evidence'.

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